Ghana: HIS Indicators


As of August 2019, we had located 28 of the 30 indicators for Ghana. Please see the table below for more details on each indicator.


National health strategy**

Health sector M&E plan**

HIS policy**

HIS strategic plan**

Country has set of core health indicators**

National HIS coordinating body


Country has master facility list

Conducted HMN assessment

Population census within the last 10 years

Availability of national health surveys


Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths)

Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data

Country has national statistics office

National health statistics report (annual)

Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF

DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy

Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information †

Country has website for health statistics with latest data available

Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year**

Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis

Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS

Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported

RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender

At least one national health account completed in last 5 years**


National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years ††

Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities**

e-health strategy


Completeness of disease surveillance reporting



**          Outdated
†            Available but percentage unknown
††          Available, but last update unknown

The table below presents more information on each indicator. Indicator definitions can be found here:

Please check back in this Resource Center as we continue to expand the indicators of HIS strengthening, or click here to provide comments and suggestions. 





1. National health strategy

Not current (2014–2017)

Health Sector Medium Term Development Plan (2014–2017)

2. Health sector M&E plan

Not current (2010–2013)

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan: Ghana Health Service (2010–2013)

3. HIS policy

Not current (2005)

Ghana Ministry of Health: Health Sector ICT Policy and Strategy (July 2005)

4. HIS strategic plan

Not current (2007–2011)

Health Information Management Strategic Plan 2007 to 2011 Draft

All HMN tools and reports can be downloaded from this site.

5. Country has set of core health indicators

Yes, but not current (2014–2017) 

Indicators found on pages 46-49 of current National Health Strategy Plan.

6. National HIS coordinating body

Established, activity unknown


 It is unknown if Ghana has an active HIS coordinating body, but the timeline for establishing one was scheduled for July–October 2005 in the 2005 HIS policy (page 32).

7. Country has master facility list


In-country contact

See page 12 of “DHIS2 in the context of the Ghana Health Information Exchange (Ghana HIE)”. The DHIS2 has the most complete and up-to-date data registration of all facility. However, it doesn’t serve as the master facility registry.

8. Conducted HMN assessment

Completed (2006)   

Ghana Health Information System: National Level Review and Assessment Report

9. Population census within the last 10 years

Yes (2010)


10. Availability of national health surveys 

MICS4 (2011) and DHS (2014)


11. Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths)

Incomplete – live births and deaths estimated less than 90% complete


12. Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data

Yes, nationally


13. Country has national statistics office




14. National health statistics report (annual)

Not current (2016)

In-country contact

Ghana Health Service: 2016 Annual Report. This report was published in 2017.

Draft of 2017 report is currently in progress.

15. Country has website for health statistics with latest data available

Yes, updated but has recent health report


16. DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy

Current (2017)

In-country contact


17. PRISM assessment conducted in any regions/districts

Not conducted

Country is not listed.

18. Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information

Available, but percentages unknown (2017)

In-country contact


19. Proportion (facility, District, National) offices using data for setting targets and monitoring




20. Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF

WHO/UNICEF estimate = 92%; Official government estimate = 92%


See page 8 of WHO/UNICEF estimates of immunization coverage: 2018 revision

21. Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year

Not current (2016) – nationally

Institutional deliveries unavailable by district but nationally and regionally only on page 83 of Ghana Health Service 2016 Annual ReportThe annual report is the most recent and was published in 2017.

22. Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS

Available (Partially)


Can be found on page 29 of the Private Health Sector Development Policy

Legal and Policy Framework for Health Information and Health Data Reporting

23. Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis

Available, but not online (2017)

In-country contact

2017 Ghana Health Service Standard Operating Procedures on Health information

24.Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported

Available (Partially)  

In-country contact

Standard Operating Procedures for Health Information

Guideline for Conducting Facility and District Data Verification with Data Analysis and Interpretations (not available online)

25. RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender


In-country contact

2017 Ghana Health Service Standard Operating Procedures on Health information

26. At least one national health account completed in last 5 years

Available, but not current or available online (2012) 


2012 National Health Accounts
Presentation of findings available at

27. National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years

Available, but last update unknown

In-country contact

The database iHRIS exists

28. Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities

Not current (2009)

Assessment of Medicines Procurement and Supply Management in the Public Health Sector

29. e-health strategy

Available (2010)

National eHealth Strategy

Ghana Health Service Enterprise Architecture (The eHealth Architecture), 2009

30. Completeness of disease surveillance reporting

Current (2019)

Timeliness – 98.1% and completeness – 99.4%

See page 1 of Ghana Weekly Epidemiological Report Week 27 of 2019.

All the reports can be downloaded from the Ghana Weekly Epidemiological Report Website 

Filed under: Health Information Systems , Ghana , HIS , Health Systems Strengthening