Evaluation of a School-Based Sexuality and HIV-Prevention Activity in South Africa: Midline Qualitative Report

Author(s): Mkhwanazi, N., Mandal, M., Biehl, H., & Durno, D.
Year: 2019
With support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and in partnership with the South African National Department of Basic Education (DBE), the MEASURE Evaluation project is conducting an impact evaluation of the implementation of scripted lesson plans (SLPs) and supporting activities that were developed to increase the rigor and uniformity of a life skills program for in-school youth. The evaluation’s nested qualitative study explores the perceptions and acceptance of, and the comfort with the sexuality and HIV prevention education activity; and identifies the structural facilitators and barriers that affect the implementation of the activity at multiple levels.
The evaluation’s qualitative component was implemented in six schools across three districts. Qualitative data were collected from male and female learners in Grade 10 and from the parents/guardians of learners, Life Orientation (LO) educators, members of school governing bodies, and members of school management teams.
More learners in intervention schools than in control schools showed high interest in sexuality education. Learners in intervention schools could recall specific lessons compared with those in control schools, although respondents had limited ability to specify how they applied the knowledge gained to their own lives. Parents were generally comfortable knowing that their children were learning about sexuality and about HIV and pregnancy prevention in schools, but were not familiar with the content. LO educators in control schools said that they were not comfortable teaching the sexuality education part of the LO curriculum, but also reported that they found the LO guide useful. By contrast, LO educators in intervention schools reported that they did not find the LO guide helpful.