National Malaria Control Programme Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity: End Line Assessment Report

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation PIMA
Year: 2017
The MEASURE Evaluation PIMA (MEval-PIMA) project has been implemented in Kenya over the last five years, and key achievements have been made across the various results areas.
As part of the project closeout, MEval-PIMA conducted an end-of-project assessment to document achievements and impact and provide lessons learned toward strengthening monitoring and evaluation (M&E) capacity of the Ministry of Health (MOH) at the national and subnational levels, to provide data demand and use information for decision making, and to communicate and share the project legacy and closure with stakeholders and beneficiaries. As part of this assessment, the systematic documentation of the project legacy had two areas of focus: (1) capturing the experiences of the beneficiaries of key project support toward M&E capacity building, and (2) sharing end of project communications, culminating in a project closeout event in Nairobi.
The main purpose of the end line assessment is to evaluate the changes in M&E capacity against the baseline and measure progress toward achievement of the Intermediate Result “Improved capacity of the MOH to identify and respond to M&E information needs.” Specifically, the end line aimed to:
- Determine the change in M&E capacity in the programs by using the quantitative Monitoring and Evaluation Capacity Assessment Toolkit (MECAT) group assessment.
- Document the key drivers to the changes in M&E capacity using participatory approaches.
- Document MEval-PIMA contributions to the changes in M&E capacity.
- Document lessons learned in terms of strengthening M&E capacity at individual and program levels.
An end line assessment was conducted in a workshop setting using three participatory methods and an individual capacity assessment. Respondents for this exercise were program managers and program officers, including M&E officers and data managers from the NMCP.
End line assessments are also available for Siaya, Narok, and Kakamega counties.