Integrating Gender in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Health Programs: A Toolkit

Author(s): Jessica Fehringer, Brittany Iskarpatyoti, Bridgit Adamou, and Jessica Levy
Year: 2017
Gender expectations have a significant impact on a person’s health, by shaping behaviors and beliefs related to risk and vulnerability, and on health-seeking behavior.
The assessment of whether programs achieve intermediate and long-term objectives related to gender norms and health status requires gender-relevant information. The integration of gender in the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities of health programs is important for the collection of the required information; for understanding the effectiveness of gender-integrated programming in changing gender norms; reducing gender inequalities; and improving service delivery, access to services, and health outcomes.
This toolkit, developed by MEASURE Evaluation (which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development), aims to help international health programs integrate a gender perspective in their M&E activities, measures, and reporting. It is designed for use by health program staff (such as project directors, gender focal persons, program officers, and M&E officers), working in various health sectors (such as HIV; malaria; reproductive, maternal, newborn, and child health; and tuberculosis), and for various health agencies and initiatives (such as the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, the President’s Malaria Initiative, Feed the Future, and Family Planning 2020).