Violence Against Women and Girls: A Compendium of Monitoring and Evaluation Indicators

Author(s): Bloom SS
Year: 2008
At the request of the USAID East Africa Regional Mission in collaboration with the Inter-agency Gender Working Group, MEASURE Evaluation developed this compendium with a technical advisory group (TAG) of experts.
The TAG was comprised of specialists from USAID, OGAC, CDC, WHO, UNFPA, UNHCR, and NGOs, and prominent researchers and programmatic experts in the field. The compendium was developed for managers, organizations, and policy makers working in the field of VAW/G program implementation and evaluation in developing countries, as well as for people who provide technical assistance to these individuals and organizations. Indicators were developed to measure the following areas within VAW/G:
- Magnitude and characteristics of different forms of VAW/G (skewed sex rations, intimate partner violence, violence from someone other than an intimate partner, female genital cutting/mutilation and child marriage)
- Programs addressing VAW/G by sector (health, education, justice/security, social welfare)
- Under-documented forms of VAW/G and emerging areas (humanitarian emergencies, trafficking in persons, femicide), and preventing VAW/G (youth, community mobilization, working with men and boys).
The indicators can also be used by programs that may not specifically focus on VAW/G, but include reducing levels of VAW/G as part of their aims. The indicators have been designed to address information needs that can be assessed with quantitative methods to measure program performance and achievement at the community, regional and national levels. While many of the indicators have been used in the field, they have not necessarily been tested in multiple settings.