Compendium of Maternal and Newborn Health Tools

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Year: 2002

The monitoring and evaluation of maternal and newborn health programs present serious challenges to the areas of program managment. In order to help a wider audience gain experience in the monitoring and evaluation of maternal and newborn health status, MEASURE Evaluation brought together more than 20 tools, collected in this compendium. This compendium includes population- and facility-based assessment tools that use qualitative and quantitative approaches and that can be used at different levels of the health system. Each tool meets the following four criteria: 1) It is principally concerned with monitoring or evaluating maternal or newborn health status; 2) It is appropriate for use in developing country settings; 3) It is current; and 4) It has been field-tested. Each of the abstracts included here is linked to an electronic version of the tool that can be downloaded.

Filed under: Child Health , Maternal Health