Measuring Maternal Mortality from a Census: Guidelines for Potential Users

Author(s): Hill K, Stanton C, Gupta N
Year: 2001
The fourth entry in MEASURE Evaluation's Manual Series provides guidelines for users who want or need to measure maternal mortality from a census. Chapter 1 of this 53-page document offers an introduction to the problem. Chapter 2 discusses indicators and data sources for measuring maternal mortality. Chapter 3 discusses data collection and tabulation procedures, including questionnaire design and field-staff training. In Chapter 4, authors discuss methods for data evaluation and adjustment. The fifth and final chapter provides a summary of data dissemination and use. A French-language version of this document, "Mesurer la mortalite maternelle a partir du recensement: Guide pour les utilisateurs potentiels," as well as a Spanish-language version, "Medicion de la Mortalidad Materna a partir de un Censo: Instrucciones para los Usuarios" are also available.