Pandemic Influenza

MEASURE Evaluation worked in tandem with programs to establish and strengthen avian and human influenza M&E systems.

Between 2006 and 2011, national governments in Southeast Asia made enormous strides in developing national plans to combat avian influenza, establishing integrated coordinating bodies, fostering coordination between animal and human health sectors, and implementing broad disease control measures. Throughout this period, MEASURE Evaluation worked in tandem with programs to establish and strengthen M&E systems for this evolving field.

Regionally, we developed frameworks and standards for newly-established programs through the Guide for Monitoring and Evaluating (M&E) Avian Influenza Programs in Southeast Asia. In Vietnam, MEASURE Evaluation supported the Government of Vietnam’s Partnership for Avian and Human Influenza (PAHI) in the development and implementation of the national avian and human influenza (AHI) M&E framework. In Lao PDR, we delivered training on fundamental M&E concepts to Avian and Pandemic Influenza (API) program managers at central and provincial levels. MEASURE Evaluation also worked closely with USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia to support M&E of USAID’s own regional portfolio of API activities—developing two Performance Management Plans, standardized data reporting forms, and data storage and analysis tools. 

The tools and approaches in this region spurred important API M&E efforts in countries outside of Southeast Asia. In response to a request from USAID/Egypt, MEASURE Evaluation drafted an M&E strategy for the animal health component of the USAID-funded Strengthening Avian Influenza Detection and Response (SAIDR), which included a results framework adopted by SAIDR in 2009.

Filed under: Avian Influenza
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